Former HW champ #6 Anthony Joshua (25-3-0) takes on #66 Robert Helenius (32-4-0) in London, with Helenius a late replacement for Dillian Whyte.
Because of the replacement, the more interesting fight could be #12 Filip Hrgovic (15-0-0) vs. #53 Demsey McKean (22-0-0).
Also on the undercard are #86 Derek Chisora (33-13-0) vs. #153 Gerald Washington (20-5-1) and #62 Johnny Fisher (9-0-0) vs. unrated Harry Armstrong (5-1-1).
In early results Fisher defeated Armstrong on a standing TKO as Armstrong's corner threw in the towel shortly following the fight's first knockdown in the 7th round. He remains undefeated at 10-0 but needs to work on his accuracy as he spent much of the fight winging huge punches that whiffed. Fisher tried to finish the fight in the first round and almost succeeded but Armstrong gave him trouble while hanging around for the next five rounds as Fisher's telegraphed bombs whiffed. To be fair he finally connected on one early in the 7th which left Armstrong hanging on the ropes which the referee correctly called a knockdown.
Oddly, Hrgovic vs. McKean is the next fight up.
I'm not "keen" on Demsey's chances but Hrgovic has been lackluster at times and recently underestimated another southpaw Zhelie Zhang and almost lost that fight. If he doesn't take McKean—who is unbeaten—seriously it could be a tougher bout than he probably expects and an upset isn't out of the question as McKean looks motivated.
#12 Hrgovic vs. #53 McKean round-by-round scoring:
- Early feeling out by the two 6-6 fighters, Hrgovic sinking long lunging body shots early. Lots of the usual left-right pawing typical of orthodox-southpaw fights. McKean still looking for a way in. Right from Hrgovic, McKean finally gets a left in. Misses with another one. A lot of dancing and spinning that round, Hrgovic looked a bit more in control. Hrgovic 10-9
- Hrgovic again lunging in for lengthy right hand body shots. McKean's left is coming up short. Neither fighter making the jab work due to the orthodox/southpaw clash. A right from Hrgovic, McKean comes back with combo; another right from Hrgovic. Left and right hook narrowly miss from Hrgovic, then Filip connects with some long shots but nothing big. A few good chopping shots in the clinch score for Hrgovic. Great straight right from Hrgovic, who is starting to take control a bit. Hrgovic10-9; 20-18.
- Hrgovic looking a bit faster than McKean, who tries some straight left-right combos. Good shots again in the clinch from Hrgovic. McKean throwing from too far away most of the time. He has yet to land a really solid shot. McKean clinching more now. Decent body shots from McKean; he clinches again as Hrgovic comes in. Hrgovic slowed down the 2nd half of that round but threw a flurry at the end. Hrgovic 10-9; 30-27
- More of the same this round, Hrgovic with the better work, McKean's shots falling short, but it's pretty even in terms of work rate. McKean isn't falling farther behind but isn't doing anything to catch up or change the dynamic of the fight. He holds on against the ropes to avoid Hrgovic's pressure. Big shot from McKean whiffs near the end. Closer maybe but still Hrgovic 10-9; 40-36.
- Hrgovic winning handily but not dominating the minute by minute action, McKean is still in there despite having little effectiveness himself. Stiff straight left from McKean, and again. Body shot by Hrgovic. Another stiff jab from McKean. Wrestling a bit in the clinch. Pressure again from Filip and McKean clinches. Good shot by Hrgovic as McKean walks into it. McKean lands another frustrating jab and maybe he won that one. It was close anyway. McKean 10-9; Hrgovic 49-46.
- McKean ducking under Hrgovic's punches and clinching. Good body shot from McKean. Decent shot by Hrgovic, who is being frustrated by McKean's clinches and can't get his rhythm. But McKean's not hurting him. Good exchange by both fighters near the end and wrestling against the ropes. Close round, really neither fighter did very well there or got hit too badly 10-10; Hrgovic 59-56
- Fighters trade jabs. McKean looking more active early one, has Hrgovic in the corner, but he let him off the hook with a lame clinch and got turned around. Pushing Hrgovic against the ropes again but takes some counter shots for his trouble and the ref warns him. McKean giving good shots and taking a few in return. McKean very active this round if only moderately effective. Hrgovic looking a bit sloppy in his counters and McKean keeps the pressure up, though he doesn't look too spry himself. Did McKean take that round? Hard to say, Hrgovic countered fairly well but body language was bad. If it goes to "ring generalship" McKean wins. McKean 10-9; Hrgovic 68-66
- Good uppercut from McKean against the ropes. Chopping counter from Hrgovic. He shakes off McKeans clinch with a flurry. A lot of clinching from McKean, just wandering into it. Good work from McKean at the end but he really just clinched a lot, Hrgovic's counters were better. Hrgovic 10-9; 78-75.
- Hrgovic looks a little more alive at the start of the 9th, but soon McKean is holding the center of the ring. Good response from Hrgovic but McKean pushes forward. McKean is getting in there but not doing a whole lot, trying to clinch before throwing. Good exchange. Hrgovic connects solidly and McKean is just holding on late. Hrgovic 10-9; 88-84.
- Key round for McKean if he is to go the distance. He looks tired but is still coming forward. Hrgovic playing defense, not wasting his own energy, countering. McKean's offense is just not getting through but he tries to make it as sloppy as possible. Hrgovic doing well but not really moving toward the stoppage. Hrgovic 10-9; 98-93
- Big shot early from Hrgovic. McKean working hard in the first half of the round, not getting what he needs to turn the fight around but putting it all on the line. More and more Hrgovic looking like he'll be ok with the decision win. McKean has him in the corner, good counters from Hrgovic, more pressure from McKean. Another close round but McKean wins it on activity. McKean 10-9; Hrgovic 107-103
- Hrgovic looks very active early to start the final round, but quickly slows down. Connects with huge right hook and McKean folds over the rings, ref starts the count and waves the fight off.
Hrgovic TKO 12 McKean
Hrgovic gets the TKO win after all in an odd finish. But the questions about his stamina will remain as he looked sluggish for the entire 2nd half of the fight. McKean went all in trying to change the fight and couldn't, and left himself vulnerable to the big shot.
Chisora vs. Washington about to begin. Chisora wearing Barbie pink shorts and gloves.
Washington weathers Chisora's juggernaut style in the first round, no big damage done; better offense from Washington in the 2nd, gets a "push" knockdown at the end and probably evens the fight at 1-1; 3rd round a lot of clinch fighting as Chisora pushes forward; checking Chisora's eye between rounds, after clash of heads earlier, continues. Good work by Washington in 4th round evens the fight again; lots of pressure from Chisora in 5th; starting to take control in the 6th as Washington tires; 7th round Washington has nothing on his punches, but has good flurry at the end that might have stolen the round; 8th round pretty even on balance; Chisora throwing the right a lot in the 9th, looking for a big shot, didn't get it; both fighters active in 10th round which probably goes to Chisora.
I have it about 5-3 Chisora with 2 rounds close, which leaves a draw open to Washington, possibly a rogue judge going for him but probably a majority decision at least for Chisora.
Scores: 98-93, 97-94, 96-94 UD for Chisora
Ring walk for Joshua - Helenius right now
Joshua-Helenius Round-by-round scoring
- Helenius starts aggressively. Good jab by Joshua. Fighters settle in at distance. Strong jab by Joshua. Another one. Body shot from Helenius. Right connects for Joshua, now another jab. Joshua wins on jabs Joshua 10-9
- Tactical fight at distance settles in again. Joshua connecting again with light jabs. Helenius not pulling the trigger this round. Big right from Joshua, Helenius clinches. Now Helenius is throwing the jab out to keep Joshua away. Both fighters pretty tentative, especially Helenius. Joshua 10-9; 20-18
- Joshua popping jab to Helenius' face, lands a right too. Now a body shot. Helenius unable to get offense going. Pressure from Joshua after body shot. Ducks a Helenius hook, returns fire. Joshua 10-9; 30-27
- Joshua winning rounds so far without being impressive. Joshua lunges in for clinch oddly. Helenius pawing out the jab more, both fighters looking more active. Strong right from Joshua, no followup though as Helenius ties up. Awkward exchange with Helenius throwing body shots. Snapping jab from Joshua. Helenius just not doing enough. Joshua 10-9; 40-36
- Joshua pushing forward a little more. Big body hook and followup right. Good jab from Helenius, return from Joshua draws a clinch. Two punches each connect. Solid right from Helenius, and again. Left hook too. Helenius standing right in front and doing pretty well. Another jab from Helenius, and another on a counter. Solid counter by Joshua. Helenius 10-9; Joshua 49-46
- Better work from Joshua this round. Helenius starting to tire as punches add up midway. Cuts and tired look from Helenius, but Joshua bleeding too. Joshua 10-9; 59-55
- Solid jabs from Joshua early force Helenius to tie up against the ropes. Joshua smells blood now, Helenius is tired. Joshua being careful as Helenius is still countering HUGE shot puts Helenius down and that's that. Helenius is not getting up, not even moving.
Joshua KO 7 Helenius
He took his time but he got it done.