Round by round scoring:
- Round One: Southpaw Ortiz vs. Ruiz leads to usual pawing. Jabs from Ortiz. Combo from Ruiz. Body shot from Ruiz. Big combo from Kong near the end, probably wins the round for Ortiz. 10-9.
- Round Two: Less feeling out in round two, rumbling right away with shots from Ruiz. Jab from Ruiz, jabs back from Ortiz. Body shots from Ortiz. Ruiz knocks Ortiz down with a quick combo, Ortiz takes the 9 count. Ruiz puts him down again quickly. This might be over. Ortiz is grappling him to stay alive. Ortiz fires back. Crazy last minute as Ruiz tries to finish him but Ortiz is fighting back. Big shots from both at the end, and Ortiz survives. 10-7 Ruiz. 19-17 Ruiz
- Round Three: Ruiz is a bit tired after last round and Ortiz a bit recovered. Ortiz is trying to dance now and jab. Body shot from Ruiz. Big body shot from Ruiz again. Jab from Ortiz. Big whiffs from Ruiz. Not much connected but probably still from Ruiz. 10-9; Ruiz 29-26
- Round Four: Ortis is playing matador with Ruiz, lunging in for jabs. Ruiz waiting to unload a big shot. Head shot from Ruiz connects. Ruiz is looking surprisingly defensive. Ortiz did little but Ruiz less. 10-9 Ortiz; 38-36 Ruiz
- Round Five: Snapping jab from Ortiz. Not much action until mid-round. Jabs from Ortiz, return from Ruiz later in the round. Lots of stalking by both guys and feigns. Not enough to go on there. 10-10; 48-46 Ruiz
- Round Six: Neither fighter scores in the first minute; finally some clashing in middle of round, Ruiz gets a good shot in. Almost clash of heads again. Very little action. Jabs from Ortiz but most don't land. Solid shot at the end by Ortiz. Makes the round another 10-10; 58-56 Ruiz
- Round Seven: 1-2 from Ortiz to start, Ruiz fires back, blocked. Ruiz looks like he's more serious this round. Firing more shots but Ortiz's defense is good. Good exchange mid-round from both. Ruiz gets a good left in. Ruiz ducks way under a jab and spins out of the corner. Big body shot from Ruiz backs Ortiz up, flurry of punches on top of head puts Ortiz down again. Ruiz 10-8; 68-64
- Round Eight: Ortiz is looking a big gunshy obviously but looks ok. Jabs from Ortiz leads to flurry where Ortiz does some good damage. Ortiz puts Ruiz in the corner but lets him out, still jabbing. Hard body shot by Ruiz, Ortiz ducks away from more, still jabbing late in the round. Ruiz misses with left. Ortiz much more active this round. Ortiz 10-9; Ruiz 77-74
- Round Nine: Big Exchange to start, Ruiz goes down but ruled a slip. Both fighters got hit hard. Another wild exchange, like fighting cats, then back to distance stalking. Lunging jab by Ortiz connects. Ortiz 10-9; Ruiz 86-84
- Round Ten: Ruiz comes inside and gets hit with a hook, in addition to dozens of jabs from Ortiz in the first half of the round. Ortiz opening up a bit more, connecting with the jab down the middle consistently. Ruiz's only 2nd attempt of the round is blocked. Ortiz 10-9; Ruiz 95-94
- Round Eleven: Ruiz sneaks in right hand, now a jab. Rest of first half of round is quiet. Huge shot from Ruiz who jumps on Ortiz. More shots from Ruiz. Ortiz trying to go back to jabs but he's weak. Ruiz has slowed down again, maybe looking for KO moment. Ruiz 10-9; 105-103
- Round Twelve: Ortiz moving in, going for it, KO or get KOed. He's mixing it pretty well with Ruiz too. Can he avoid the KO is the question. Good first minute, good uppercut from Ortiz. Ruiz backing up now, Ortiz slows down. Three lefts in a row from Ortiz. Ruiz fires back now in last minute. Ortiz is outboxing Ruiz, huge shot against the ropes. Ruiz fires back. Ortiz 10-9; Ruiz 114-113
Actually turned into a very close fight that could be scored for Ortiz despite the 3 knockdowns. We have it 114-113 with two 10-10 rounds; split those and Ruiz wins a split decision, 114-111, 113-112, and 112-113.
Scored as a whole fight there's no question, but round by round it might be surprising.
But it's unanimous: 113-112, 114-111 all for Andy Ruiz.
So in the end, our cards were very, very close to the actuals, 114-111, 113-112 for Ruiz; our one Ortiz card was flipped one round for Ruiz. Giving 10-10 rounds really does give a better impression of how close a fight is going to be scored.
Ruiz will retain his #3 spot in our rankings, while Ortiz, in the top ten a few years back, will tumble into the 2nd half of the top 100, as he hasn't had many good wins the last several years, and has 3 losses now.