Taking a break from reviewing upcoming games to complain about the ads that assault you every second if you watch on March Madness On Demand (tip: switch games just before you let a game go to commercial, so you don't get stuck until the ads are over).
My least-favorite ad of this March Madness season is the "Ivan Brothers." Really, I don't see the appeal of the two big 'roided-out white guys playing basketball. So they're vikings. This is what passes for funny now? Maybe I'm the only one who hates it. Then again, it could be because the commercials are featured 20 times during every game. Maybe the Ivan Brothers are hilarious in small doses.
Here they are again in case you haven't seen them.
Ironically the longer-form video is a lot more amusing than the shorter ads, and has a bizarre ending where we find out the Ivan Brothers have disappeared never to return, or perhaps never existed in the first place. What?
I don't get it, why do that? Just to copy Lost by having freaky time-changey things happen? Of course what this has to do with Capital One I'll never know. No wonder all the banks are in trouble.
I'm glad you're more comfortable accepting your accomplishment. I remember the first few years this time came around you were all "I'm not important at all, but..."
[word from the editor:]
hhahaha this is the worst spam i've ever seen. Give it up, dude.
And i've deleted your spam link, too.
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